International policy

PM&C advises the Prime Minister on Australia’s two-way relations with other countries as well as our role in global and regional cooperation.

International policy is our Government’s response to global issues that affect Australia’s interests and people. PM&C advises the Prime Minister on Australia’s two-way relations with other countries as well as our role in global and regional cooperation. We contribute to outcomes on overseas trade, foreign aid and development, and international security on behalf of the Government and for the Australian community.

We support the Prime Minister at key international summits, manage overseas travel, and coordinate engagement with world leaders. We also help to organise meetings between the Prime Minister and dignitaries visiting Australia.

We advise the Prime Minister and Cabinet Secretary on foreign policy items considered in Cabinet meetings, including the National Security Committee of the Cabinet.

We work closely with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and other government agencies with international responsibilities, as well as with business and community groups and non-government organisations. This helps ensure that different areas of the Australian Government are all working toward the same international goals, and are in step with the expectations of the Australian public.

We chair the Standing Committee on Treaties (SCOT) which meets twice a year. It provides regular updates to state and territory governments on current and likely future Commonwealth treaty action. This may include free trade agreements and reporting on Australia’s compliance with our human rights treaty obligations.

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