Professor Glyn Davis AC
Secretary, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Simon Froude
Director-General, National Archives of Australia
Attached is the review conducted into the transfer of 2003 Cabinet records by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) to the National Archives of Australia (NAA).
PM&C’s failure to provide the NAA with a complete set of 2003 Cabinet records was a result of administrative error arising from both the impact of the COVID‑19 pandemic in 2020 and from systemic shortcomings. Any suggestion of political interference of influence is without foundation.
As at 19 December 2023, 78 Cabinet records from 2003 had not been transferred from PM&C to the NAA. 77 of these records were provided to the NAA on 31 December 2023 and one record was provided on 5 January 2024, after PM&C discovered that the record had been left off the transfer list. During the course of my Review, I discovered a further four Cabinet records from 2003 which had not been transferred to the NAA. These four additional Cabinet records were transferred on 5 January 2024. I am satisfied that all 2003 Cabinet records are now with the NAA.
Further to those matters that go directly to the Terms of Reference, I have observed issues regarding appropriate record-keeping, handling of classified material and the department’s compliance with transfer requirements as set out in the Archives Act 1983. It is possible that these matters may have wider relevancy across government.
During the course of the Review, officials in PM&C and the NAA engaged cooperatively, providing information and responses in a timely and professional manner.
I note the excellent work of the Secretariat, led by Tim Wardle and Alexandra Hancock from PM&C.
Throughout the report I refer to ‘we’ or ‘our’, recognising the team effort involved in the Review. However, I am responsible alone for the recommendations and views expressed herein.

Dennis Richardson AC
Independent Reviewer