The Inclusion and Diversity Committee will monitor progress against this Strategy and Action Plan. The Chief People Officer and Inclusion and Diversity Champions will provide formal twice-yearly updates to the Inclusion and Diversity Committee.
To measure our progress, information is gathered from the following evidence-driven insights:
- employment representation data
- training participation, affirmative measures recruitment and reasonable adjustments data
- annual APS Employee Census results (with attention to employee sentiment on inclusion, wellbeing, flexibility, mobility and leadership)
- annual Gender pay-gap analysis
- progress against the Inclusion and Diversity Action Plan and Reconciliation Action Plan.
We will also seek to maintain and build on external benchmarking results such as:
- Access and Inclusion Index (Australian Network on Disability)
- Australian Workplace Equality Index (Pride in Diversity)
- Workplace Gender Equality Agency Index (Workplace Gender Equality Agency).
Our external reporting activities: Annual Report, State of the Service Report, APS Employment Database, Reconciliation Australia.