The Women's Economic Equality Taskforce (the taskforce) was established in September 2022. It delivered on an election commitment to prioritise advice to government on the many issues facing women in the Australian economy. The taskforce has now concluded.
Taskforce report
The taskforce has provided the Australian Government with its final report Women's Economic Equality: A 10-year plan to unleash the full capacity and contribution of women to the Australian economy.
The report was released by the Minister for Women, Senator the Hon. Katy Gallagher on Monday 23 October 2023.
The taskforce was an independent group of eminent women selected based on their wide-ranging skills and lived experiences established to provide advice to the Australian Government to support the advancement of women’s economic equality and achieve gender equality.
The priority contributions of the taskforce centred on:
- driving women’s economic equality as economic imperative
- informing the National Strategy to Achieve Gender Equality
- providing strategic advice on key issues arising from the Jobs and Skills Summit, including via the White Paper.
It sought to elevate the lived experiences of women from diverse backgrounds and ensure women were at the centre of policy and decision-making. The taskforce reported directly to the Minister for Women.
The taskforce was an important contributor, alongside other consultation, research and engagement pathways, in driving progress towards gender equality and keeping women at the centre of government policy and decision making.
The taskforce had a leading role in the development of the National Strategy to Achieve Gender Equality and contributed to the Employment White Paper emerging from the 2022 Jobs and Skills Summit.
The taskforce’s advice complements the Government’s continued engagement with business, community and advocacy sectors on gender equality issues, including the six National Women’s Alliances.
Taskforce members
The taskforce members were a diverse group of eminent women selected based on their lived experience, networks and background to provide unique views to advise Government.
The inaugural taskforce members were:
- Sam Mostyn AO (Chair) – Chair of ANROWS; Chair of Australians Investing in Women
- Adrienne Picone – Chief Executive Officer of Tasmania’s Council of Social Service (Note: Ms Picone resigned from the taskforce in February 2023)
- Chiou See Anderson – President at National Council of Women of Australia; board member of the International Council of Women
- Danielle Wood – Chief Executive Officer of Grattan Institute; President of the Economic Society of Australia; co-founder and first Chair of the Women in Economics Network
- Jennifer Westacott AO – Chief Executive of the Business Council of Australia; Chancellor of Western Sydney University
- Jenny Macklin – Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow at the University of Melbourne, School of Government
- Michele O’Neil – President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions
- Professor Rae Cooper AO – Director of the Gender Equality in Working Life Research Initiative, University of Sydney; President Elect of International Labor and Employment Relations Association (ILERA)
- Samantha Connor– Vice President of People with Disability Australia
- Shelley Cable – Director of Minderoo Foundation’s Generation One
- Shirleen Campbell – Co-ordinator of the Tangentyere Women's Family Safety Group; NT Local Hero in 2020 (Note: Ms Campbell did not extend her term beyond March 2023)
- Sizol Fuyana – Founder of Fuyana Support; 2022 Northern Territory Young Australian of the Year
- Terese Edwards – Executive Director of the National Council of Single Mothers and their Children.
Read the Minister for Women, Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher’s media release published on Wednesday 21 September 2022.
Terms of reference
Women’s Economic Equality Taskforce terms of reference
Meeting outcomes
Meeting outcomes from the Women’s Economic Equality Taskforce
Women’s Economic Equality Taskforce advice for May 2023 Budget
Women’s Economic Equality Taskforce advice on Paid Parental Leave
Research: Next Steps for Paid Parental Leave in Australia
Prepared for the Women’s Economic Equality Taskforce by Professor Marian Baird AO and Associate Professor Elizabeth Hill, November 2022
Research: Paid Parental Leave for Future Families: The Voices of Australian Parents
Prepared for the Women’s Economic Equality Taskforce by Professor Marian Baird AO and Associate Professor Elizabeth Hill, April 2023
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