The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Our role is to support the Prime Minister as the Head of the Australian Government and the Cabinet, provide advice on major domestic policy and national security matters and to improve the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
We are a diverse workforce, with staff located across Australia.
At PM&C we have three purposes
Supporting the Prime Minister as the Head of the Australian Government and the Cabinet
It’s been a year of innovation and change in the way we support the Prime Minister and the Cabinet.
We’ve introduced a digital first environment to brief the Prime Minister, established the CabNet Improvement Program to transform the way the APS supports Cabinet processes, and improved transparency and accountability for COAG.
To support Australia's international engagement we’ve hosted 25 incoming guests of government and coordinated the Prime Minister's travel for 9 trips overseas.
Read the case studies:
- CabNet Improvement Program
- Enhanced Transparency and Accountability
- Chinese Premier Li Keqiang visits Australia
Guests of government and overseas trips

Providing advice on major domestic policy and national security matters
PM&C facilitated new investments in defence, energy security and infrastructure and supported the Government's city planning agenda. The nation’s first City Deals were signed in Townsville and Launceston.
PM&C has an ongoing focus on national security, including oversight of Australia's four-year Cyber Security Strategy.
Among our domestic policy priorities and in October 2016, we supported the Prime Minister and Minister for Women at the COAG National Summit on Reducing Violence Against Women and their Children.
Read the case studies:
- Smart Cities and Suburbs Program and Future Ready initiatives
- The Cyber Security Action Plan
- COAG National Summit on Reducing Violence Against Women and their Children
Improving the lives of indigenous Australians
Our work to progress better lives for First Nations people crossed the public policy spectrum. We’ve supported the trial of the Indigenous-led Empowered Communities, Indigenous economic development and celebrated important national anniversaries.
Read the case studies:
- Prime Minister’s Closing the Gap Report
- Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the 1967 Referendum and 25th anniversary of the 1992 Mabo Decision
- Indigenous Procurement Policy
Working with Reconciliation Australia, National Congress and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders we commemorated the 50th anniversary of the 1967 Referendum and 25th anniversary of the 1992 Mabo Decision.
Throughout the year PM&C provided support and advice on the implementation of the Indigenous Procurement Policy. This policy increases the number and value of Commonwealth contracts with Indigenous businesses.
As at 30 June 2017, 708 businesses have won 2,746 contracts with a total value of more than $434 million. This is an increase of $428 million from the 2012–13 financial year.
And through our Work Experience in Government Program, we supported 52 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to travel to Canberra to learn about government career options and Indigenous recruitment programs.