Tabling circular No.1 of 2024

Changes to arrangements for presentation of documents to parliament for the Online Tabling of Documents system.

This circular provides new guidance on arrangements for the presentation of government documents (including Annual Reports) and government responses to parliamentary committee reports. It should be read in conjunction with the Tabling Guidelines.

Online Tabled Documents system (OTD)

A new Online Tabled Documents system (OTD) has been developed and is ready to be used for the presentation of all government documents to the parliament. 

The OTD system will allow Australian Government agencies to electronically lodge documents for tabling. The system will allow documents, once tabled, to be published to a web portal on the parliamentary website so they can be easily accessed, browsed and downloaded.

The main benefits of the OTD system will be the opportunity to significantly streamline the administration of the tabling process: to reduce the required number of printed copies of documents to be provided by agencies; and to enhance digital access to parliamentary information.

The OTD system is easy to use and requires departments to input information into the browser-based portal and attach a pdf for each portfolio document to be tabled.  The information required for the OTD system is the same as what is currently required for each tabling minute.  To streamline operation of the OTD system, departments will be required to input information into the system for all tabled documents across their portfolio, including on behalf of agencies.

Implementation timeline

Full implementation of the OTD system under a revised Tabling Guidelines will be mandatory from Monday 8 July 2024.  Departments will be able to begin using the system on an opt-in basis from the week commencing 29 April 2024. All other current arrangements established in the Tabling Guidelines will remain until 8 July 2024.

Printed copies of tabled documents

From 8 July 2024 a reduced number of printed copies of documents will be required for tabling in the Parliament.  This will reduce the cost of printing, shipping and handling. The number of printed copies of documents will be notified to agencies in due course and will be noted in a revised version of the Tabling Guidelines

Please contact or 6277 7212 for more information.