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Guiding recommendation: Decision‑making processes in a pandemic need to fully account for the broader health, economic and social impacts of decisions, and the changing level and nature of risk to inform escalation and de‑escalation…
Check against delivery
Dhawura nguna dhawura Ngunawal.
Yanggu ngalamanyin dhunimanyin.
Ngunawalwari dhawurawari.
Dindi wanggiralidjinyin.
In the language of the traditional owners, this means: This is Ngunnawal Country. Today…
When the COVID‑19 pandemic emerged at the start of 2020, governments around the world were ill prepared to respond to the scale and duration of a crisis that had ramifications for our health systems, our economies and the very function of our…
On 8 December 2022, Secretary Professor Glyn Davis AC delivered the Annual Address to the APS, hosted by the Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA) ACT in partnership with PM&C.
Good evening.
It’s an honour…
The Quad Health Security PartnershipAt the 2023 Quad Leaders’ Summit, Quad Leaders decided to evolve the Quad’s former Vaccine Partnership into a more comprehensive Health Security Partnership, tackling a range of health security…
The Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet advises a State Memorial Service for Dame Olivia Newton-John AC DBE will be held at 4:00pm on Sunday 26 February 2023, at Hamer Hall, Arts Centre Melbourne, 100 St Kilda Road, Southbank, Victoria.…
Executive Summary
In January 2020, as early stories began to emerge of a new and worrying coronavirus circulating in China, ‘quarantine’ was a term largely from the history books. Some Australians had heard of the ‘Spanish’ flu…
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Australian honours and awards system, which includes the Order of Australia, the Australian Bravery Decorations and the National Medal.Founded on 14 February 1975, the honours and awards system…
The three organisations with primary responsibility for administering Australia’s system of honours are:Honours and Symbols Section, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinetthe Australian Honours and Awards Secretariat, Government…
Each award or medal has eligibility requirements. The agencies with responsibility for administering awards in the Australian honours system are:
The Australian Honours and Awards Secretariat at Government House in…
The integrity of the public service is one of the key drivers of public trust in government institutions. Recent lessons in public administration offer us a crucial opportunity for reflection, learning and action on integrity across…
Dear colleaguesRestrictions in states and territories are relaxing and we are emerging from lockdowns across much of the nation. This is a welcome change after a challenging 18 months.2021 has been another critical year for the APS. Our focus has…
Guiding recommendation: Build and maintain coordinated national public health emergency communication mechanisms to deliver timely, tailored and effective communications, utilising strong regional, local and community connections.…
Guiding recommendation: Ensure the rapid mobilisation of a national governance structure for leaders to collaborate and support a national response that reflects health, social, economic and equity priorities.The COVID‑19 pandemic…
Australia’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been unprecedented and inspiring. The past few years have highlighted the strength of Australians, with many volunteers and professionals working tirelessly on the front line and…
The Quad Vaccine Partnership, in coordination with COVAX, WHO and UNICEF, provided access to COVID-19 vaccines in the Indo-Pacific at a critical stage of the COVID-19 pandemic.In Fiji, assistance provided by Quad partners enabled a…
The Union Jack was first raised in Australia on 29 April 1770 by Captain Cook at Stingray Harbour (later renamed Botany Bay).
Governor Phillip hoisted this flag again on 26 January 1788 at Sydney Cove, marking the first European…
Our nation will be represented at this historic event by the Hon Anthony Albanese MP, the Prime Minister, and Ms Jodie Haydon, and by His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd), the Governor-General, and Her Excellency Mrs…
Guiding recommendation: Ensure systems are in place for rapid and transparent evidence collection, synthesis and evaluation.The operating environment during the alert phase of a pandemic involves high levels of uncertainty, and…
The It’s an Honour website allows users to search and learn more about recipients of Australian honours and awards who have agreed to have their record publicly displayed. The Australian honours search facility has…
The Public Service Medal (PSM) is an important element in the Australian honours system, recognising outstanding public service. Each year, up to thirty exceptional APS and government employees are formally recognised through the…
Opal, also known to Indigenous people as the fire of the desert, is a powerful symbol of Australia's arid interior.
Australia is home to the world's highest quality, precious opal. The most famous is black opal from Lightning Ridge in…
The care and support economy – the provision of paid care and support across aged care, disability support, veterans’ care and early childhood education and care – is one of Australia’s biggest industries and largest employers. It’s also growing at…
Commercial use
The Australian National Flag can be used for commercial purposes, including advertising, without formal permission, except when importing products, applying for trademarks and registering designs.
When using or reproducing an…
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