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The Secretaries Board met today at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to discuss the following matters.Closing the GapThe Board had a strategic discussion around actions to progress priority reforms under the national agreement on…
Our operating environmentThis section sets out the nature of PM&C's operating environment over the 4-year period of this corporate plan. It outlines how factors and changes in the environment may affect and influence the focus of the department'…
The first Long-term Insights Briefing explores how the APS could integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into public service delivery in the future, and how this might affect the trustworthiness of public service delivery. This background paper…
IntroductionThank you, Professor Medcalf for your invitation and for the close association between yourself, the College and the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.Let me acknowledge the Ngunnawal people as traditional custodians of these…
It is a pleasure to acknowledge the Gadigal People of the Eora Nation as traditional custodians of these unceded lands and recognise other Aboriginal people with connection to the lands of Sydney and the surrounding region.We are…
PM&C supports the government to deliver its domestic reform agenda to benefit Australian families and communities, including through collaboration with states and territories through National Cabinet.Health has been National…
Keeping Australians safe and our economy prosperous are key priorities for the government. As the Prime Minister has said, peace, prosperity and stability can never be taken for granted. Australia is therefore investing in strong and productive…
On 8 December 2022, Secretary Professor Glyn Davis AC delivered the Annual Address to the APS, hosted by the Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA) ACT in partnership with PM&C.
Good evening.
It’s an honour to join this…
The Secretaries Board met at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) and discussed the following matters.APS Integrity TaskforceProfessor Glyn Davis AC, Secretary of PM&C, noted the substantial program of work underway to…
The care and support economy includes aged care, disability support, Veterans' care and early childhood education and care.It is part of the health care and social assistance industry, which accounts for 15% of Australia's workforce and…
Appendix 4 – What we heard: summary of consultation themes
What was heard
Several key themes emerged from consultation including:
The WGEA dataset is world-leading and gives a high-level…
Recommendation 1 – Make it easier for employers to report to WGEA and improve collection and sharing of gender data
1.1 Improve the quality of data reported to WGEA, and reduce the regulatory burden for employers…
PM&C is shaped by our need to support the Prime Minister in his multitude of roles – as the leader of the Government, as the head of the public service, as Chair of the Cabinet and the Council of Australian Governments (COAG), and…
Overview of the WGEA Review Report
This report proposes ten recommendations to accelerate progress on gender equality in workplaces and streamline reporting for employers to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA).
The headline recommendations…
Commonwealth of Australia (2023), Intergenerational Report, Australia’s future to 2063, accessed 29 August 2023.Return to footnote 1↩Digital Transformation Agency, Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector, accessed 24 August 2023.…
RAPDetailsRAP2015 – 2018Innovate RAP – PM&C was the lead agency for Indigenous Affairs across the Australian Public Service during the time of this reconciliation action plan. This RAP was developed to complement PM&C’s Aboriginal and Torres…
The review of the Workplace Gender Equality Procurement Principles consultation is open until 19 September 2023. You can make a submission online or by email to: ContextThis paper has been developed to…
On 28 November 2018, the Prime Minister announced an independent review of Australia’s vocational education and training (VET) sector to examine ways to deliver skilled workers for a stronger economy. The review was led by the Honourable Steven…
The Secretaries Board met at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to discuss the following matters.Psychological safety and integrity in the APSThe Board discussed fostering a pro-integrity culture through psychological safety with…
Check against delivery
Dhawura nguna dhawura Ngunawal.
Yanggu ngalamanyin dhunimanyin.
Ngunawalwari dhawurawari.
Dindi wanggiralidjinyin.
In the language of the traditional owners, this means: This is Ngunnawal Country. Today…
Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012
Summary of WGEA Review recommendations
1. Make it easier for employers to report to WGEA and improve collection and sharing of gender data…
The Australian Government is undertaking a review of the Workplace Gender Equality Procurement Principles (WGE Procurement Principles) associated with the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (the WGE Act).The Office for Women is leading …
Insights gained during the public consultation have informed the finalisation of the National Strategy. We have taken on board feedback regarding the importance of quality jobs in the care and support sector, person-centred care,…
The Secretaries Board met today at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to discuss the following matters.Workplace RelationsThe Australian Public Service Commissioner, Mr Peter Woolcott, updated the Board on the 6 October release of the…
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