Our employees are always learning. Professional development of our employees is carried out on the job, by social learning and formal education programs. We encourage our employees and managers to maintain frequent and high-quality performance conversations. These focus on continued improvement and development.
PM&C supports individuals to pursue learning and development opportunities to meet the professional needs of both the organisation and the individual. These include:
- leadership programs
- coaching and mentoring
- study assistance
- professional skills training and seminars.
We encourage all of our employees to develop their skills and maximise their potential and provide access to the following:
- Coaching services – all employees are provided with access to three, one-hour coaching sessions. Coaches can be sourced from our variety of professional qualified providers. They provide you with tailored support to develop and progress your career.
- Mentoring – we encourage our employees and managers to explore mentoring opportunities. These enable personal and professional goal setting and reflective practice for improved performance.
- Learning Management System (LMS) – we use an online LMS, to administer, deliver, track and report on educational courses, training programs and experiential learning opportunities.
- Postgraduate study opportunities - available for high performing employees. These opportunities are available for PM&C employees and include:
- Sir Roland Wilson PhD Scholarship
- Sir Roland Wilson Foundation Pat Turner Scholarship, and
- Studies Assistance.
- Secondments - to Australia's leading companies, government agencies and Indigenous organisations. These are available for high performing employees seeking to broaden their professional experience and develop leadership capabilities within diverse working environments.
- Internal mobility opportunities - are available to employees demonstrating a willingness to learn and increase capability.