Flag announcement: Australian National Flag Day

Australian National Flag Day on 3 September 2023, marks 122 years since the Australian National Flag was first officially flown in 1901 at the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne – the site of Australia's first Parliament.

Australian National Flag Day is an opportunity for all Australians to observe this anniversary by flying or displaying the flag.

In accordance with flag protocol, Australian Government departments and portfolio agencies are requested to fly or display the Australian National Flag on Sunday 3 September 2023. If facilities permit, multiple Australian National Flags may be displayed. Other organisations are encouraged to follow this protocol.

The date of 3 September also marks Merchant Navy Day. It is an opportunity to remember the service and sacrifice of thousands of Australia's merchant mariners during wartime operations. Organisations and individuals commemorating Merchant Navy Day may fly the Australia red ensign. When the Australian red ensign is flown along with the Australian National Flag, the Australian National Flag should be flown in the position of honour.

Additional information on how to acknowledge Australian National Flag Day and the protocols for flying the flag can be found on the Department's website at https://www.pmc.gov.au/government/australian-national-flag.

The financial and staffing implications arising from weekend flag marshal duties are the responsibility of each organisation.

Your assistance is appreciated.                     

Commonwealth Flag Officer