Flag announcement: Commonwealth Day

Commonwealth Day is celebrated every year by the 56 Commonwealth member countries on the second Monday in March. This year it falls on Monday 13 March 2023.

The theme for Commonwealth Day 2023 is ‘Forging a sustainable and peaceful common future’. This year’s theme highlights the active commitment of member states to support the promotion of peace, prosperity and sustainability, especially through climate action, so as to secure a better future for our young people and improve the lives of all Commonwealth citizens.

Commonwealth Day 2023 marks the tenth anniversary of the signing of the Commonwealth Charter, which was signed by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on 11 March 2013.

This will be the first Commonwealth Day since Her Majesty’s passing, and the first presided over by His Majesty King Charles III as King and Head of the Commonwealth.

Further information about Commonwealth Day 2023 is available on the Commonwealth Secretariat website.

In accordance with Australian flag protocol, all Australian Government departments and associated portfolio agencies should fly or display the Australian National Flag all day on Monday 13 March 2023.

State, territory and local government agencies as well as non-government organisations are also welcome to participate. 

The financial and staffing implications arising from public holiday flag marshal duties are the responsibility of each organisation.

Information on flag protocol is available on the Department's website.

Your assistance is appreciated.

Commonwealth Flag Officer