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The primary purpose of the Indigenous Procurement Policy (IPP) is to stimulate Indigenous entrepreneurship and business development, providing Indigenous Australians with…
The review of the Workplace Gender Equality Procurement Principles consultation is open until 19 September 2023. You can make a submission online or by email to: ContextThis paper has been…
Working with Ministerial OfficesDepartmental Liaison Officers A Departmental Liaison Officer (DLO) is a public servant who is temporarily placed in a Minister's office to act as a conduit between their Department and the Minister's office.…
General enquiriesSwitchboard (9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday): 02 6271 5111 or +61 2 6271 5111 (international).Visit for key contacts at PM&C. Translating and Interpreter ServiceIf you are…
Key resourcesPM&C Reconciliation Action PlanWe celebrate and respect the knowledge, understandings and experiences of the custodians of the oldest living cultures in the world and recognise the immeasurable contribution that Aboriginal and…
Working with Ministerial OfficesDepartmental Liaison OfficersA Departmental Liaison Officer (DLO) is a public servant who is temporarily placed in a Minister's office to act as a conduit between their Department and the Minister's office.Information…
Deloitte Access Economics and Australians Investing in Women, ‘Breaking the Norm: Unleashing Australia’s Economic Potential’, Deloitte Access Economics, November 2022, p. vii.Hill, E., Baird, M., Vromen, A., Cooper, R., Meers, Z., Probyn, E. (2019…
The Australian Government is undertaking a review of the Workplace Gender Equality Procurement Principles (WGE Procurement Principles) associated with the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (the WGE Act).The…
ContextThe Australian Government undertook a targeted review of the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (the Act)in late 2021 which was published on the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s website on 4 March 2022. In August 2022, the…
RAPDetailsRAP2015 – 2018Innovate RAP – PM&C was the lead agency for Indigenous Affairs across the Australian Public Service during the time of this reconciliation action plan. This RAP was developed to complement PM&C’s…
Providing employment opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, organisations and communities is important to PM&C. Mutually beneficial outcomes can be realised when Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples forge their…
Current approach
Australian employers are highly compliant with the Act. In the 2019-20 reporting period, 97.5 per cent of relevant employers complied with the Act. WGEA works closely with relevant employers to assist them in complying with their…
Working with Ministerial OfficesDepartmental Liaison OfficersA Departmental Liaison Officer (DLO) is a public servant who is temporarily placed in a Minister's office to act as a conduit between their Department and the Minister's office.Information…
On Tuesday 14 May 2024, the Treasurer, the Hon Jim Chalmers MP, delivered the 2024–25 Federal Budget.The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet will play a key role in delivering Budget initiatives, including:establishing an…
Developing an integrity strategy can start an important conversation about how to embed a pro-integrity culture within an organisation. It also helps meet compliance obligations. Ideally, integrity strategies bring together the…
The Australian Government must undertake a long-term, targeted and deliberate investment program to ensure women are leading and building the economy in equal measure to men.Immediate actions5.1. Leverage the…
The Australian Government has released new and updated educational resources to strengthen knowledge of Australia’s national symbols.
Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister, the Hon Patrick Gorman MP, launched the resources on 3 September 2022…
The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) must comply with the Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPRs) when procuring goods and services.
The Government introduced the Government …
PM&C sits at the heart of government policy making. We work hard to anticipate, respond to, and implement the Australian Government’s complex agenda across the policy spectrum. Our primary role is to serve the Prime Minister, support the Cabinet…
Return to roadmapRoadmap – The National Care and Support Economy Strategy 2023A sustainable and productive care and support economy that delivers quality care and support with decent jobsGoalsQuality care and supportPerson-centred…
August 2024Acknowledgement of CountryThe Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet acknowledges the Traditional Owners and custodians of the lands on which we work, and we pay our respects to their Elders past, present and…
Australia is made up of many distinct Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People groups, each with their own culture, language, beliefs and practices.
There is an estimated 250 autonomous First Nations language groups. The First Nations peoples…
The NIAA is the responsible policy lead for the National Agreement on Closing the Gap. Return to endnote 1↩The APSC is the responsible lead for the APS-wide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Workforce Strategy. Return to endnote…
PM&C will maintain the following important core foundations:the Enterprise Agreement 2024–27 employment provisions that support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staffthe Mara Network, PM&C’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff…
The taskforce has seven primary recommendations to the Government that will drive women’s economic equality and contribute to a strong and globally competitive Australian economy. Each recommendation contains immediate actions for implementation,…
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